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FolderSizes Help

Navigation: File Reports > File Types

File Types Detail

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The FolderSizes File Types Detail report provides you with a listing of which file types are consuming the most space within the scanned folder.


For example, scanning a folder may reveal the presence of a large number of JPEG Image files. The File Type Report will indicate how many of these files exist, and how much space they consume (within the scanned folder and all of its subfolders).


The File Types Detail report can be sorted by any column; simply click the column by which you wish to sort. Click the same column again to reverse the sort order.


By using the Export button, the contents of the File Type Report can be exported for external analysis or display.


The File Types Detail report can also be filtered to show only files larger than a certain number of Kb. To filter the display, simply adjust the minimum file size display value and click the refresh button.


You can print the File Types Detail report by using the Print button at the bottom of the report generator window. The list will print exactly as it appears in the report (e.g. in the current sorted order and with the current filter settings).


Once report generation completes, you can double-click an entry in order to find specific file instances (via FolderSizes Search).