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Analyzing Multiple Paths

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The Location Bars available within the main application window and File Report dialog support the entry of multiple paths.


In the case of reports generated from the main window, FolderSizes has the ability to scan multiple root paths concurrently, using multiple file system analysis threads. This can be extremely useful, particularly when analyzing multiple file system roots that have discrete I/O channels.


For example, say that you have a set of three file system locations that you wish to analyze - one is a local drive, and the other two are network shares. Entering all three of these paths into the FolderSizes Location Bar will cause the file system analysis engine to scan them on different threads, improving overall analysis time.


To enter multiple paths into a Location Bar, separate them with pipe symbols (e.g. "|"). Here's an example:


"c:\" | "\\server-one\share-one" | "\\server-two\share-two"


Note: The use of spaces and quotes above is entirely optional - use them only if you find that doing so increases readability while typing. FolderSizes will remove them when analysis begins.


This feature can also work in combination with Network Share Discovery.


Path Manager


Another means of entering multiple file system paths is through the Path Manager window.


To reveal the Path Manager, click the small folder icon with a plus symbol to the right of the Location Bar. This feature is available from a number of areas within FolderSizes, including:


The main application window

The File Reporter window

In the Scheduled Task Editor window (for "folder size report" and "file report" task types)


The Multiple Path Manager window provides a means of adding, editing, deleting, or re-ordering multiple file system paths. You can also save path sets for loading and re-use at a later date.


Multiple paths will be analyzed according to the order in which they're entered using threads from the file system analysis thread pool.