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FolderSizes can deliver the reports it generates to users via email. For a topical discussion of this feature, please see the Email Integration topic.


This topic discusses the configuration of FolderSizes to communicate with your mail service provider.




All fields in the general configuration area are required. If any of these fields are not configured correctly, FolderSizes will not attempt to deliver reports via email.


Mail server - This is the fully qualified address of your mail server (e.g. "").

Mail from - FolderSizes will use this email address in the "mail from" field when sending email messages.

Port - The port to use for SMTP communications (usually port 25).

Security - FolderSizes can use (and some email service providers require) protocol-level encryption during SMTP message delivery.

oNone - SMTP communications are performed without encryption.

oSSL - Uses secure sockets layer protocol for encryption.

oTLS - Uses transport layer security protocol for encryption.


You can also use the Send Test Message button to send a test message through FolderSizes. You will be prompted to provide your email address. Once the test message is sent, check your email to ensure that it arrived as expected.


If you are uncertain about what value to enter into any of these fields, please communicate with your mail service provider.




Use SMTP Authentication - Enable this feature if your mail service provider requires it.

Username - Enter your SMTP authentication username.

Password - Enter your SMTP authentication password.


If you are uncertain about what value to enter into any of these fields, please communicate with your mail service provider.


Miscellaneous Options


Enable SMTP connection logging - If you're having problems getting FolderSizes to communicate with your mail server, enable this option and use the Test button (described below) to generate an SMTP log file. Once done, click the "open log file" hyperlink to view this information.

Delete report files after they are sent (successfully) via email - Enable this if you want to delete exported files after they are sent via email (no deletion will occur if email delivery fails). These deletions are not recoverable (e.g. do not use the Windows Recycle Bin).

Zip attachment files before sending via email - When enabled, triggers FolderSizes to compress all attached report files prior to SMTP delivery.


Message Content


Enter a subject and body for outbound email messages.