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FolderSizes Help

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Ribbon Bar

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The FolderSizes main window uses a ribbon bar to expose features and functions to users.


The ribbon bar is grouped into several tabs - Home, View, Graph and Help.


The Home tab contains of features relating to file system analysis, results management tools, and more.

The View tab provides access to groups of functions impacting the main detail view, along with visibility of UI components in the main window.

The Graph tab exposes features relating to the main window graph views (e.g. bar graph, pie graph, and folder map). See this topic for details.

The Help tab contains features and functions providing assistance with application features, update checking, and product licensing.


The ribbon bar also contains a File button that provides access to file-related functions (such as saving and loaded file system data to / from XML), as well as export (saving file system scan data to other formats) and printing capabilities.


To minimize the ribbon bar, double-click one of its tabs. Once minimized, click a ribbon tab will reveal its contents. Double-click one of the tabs again to maximize the ribbon bar (e.g. make it re-appear from a minimized state).


The ribbon bar provides excellent keyboard accessibility. Press and release the Alt key to show the "hot keys" for the ribbon bar tabs. Press the key(s) corresponding to a tab to show the hot keys for the individual commands. If more than one "hot key" letter appears, press the corresponding keyboard keys in succession to access that function.