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Navigation: File Reports

About File Reports

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In addition to the interactive drive space analysis and visualization provided through its main window, FolderSizes can produce a range of useful file-based reports. File reports are extremely valuable in identifying drive space usage patterns throughout your system(s).


To generate and view File Reports within FolderSizes, click the File Reporter button in the ribbon bar.


When the File Reporter window appears, you must first tell it which folder or drive you wish to report on. If you know the path of the drive or folder you wish to use, you can enter it manually (e.g. type "C:" into the edit box to have your C drive scanned or a UNC path to scan a network share). Or, click the Browse button to browse the folders, drives, and shared available on your system or on the network. You can also click the down arrow to the left of the edit box to view your most recent report path entries.


Note: It is also possible to generate File Reports against multiple file system scan paths. See Multiple File Report Paths for details.


Use the Options button in the File Reporter toolbar to customize the file report generation process, including the selection of which specific File Reports will be generated. You should always consider disabling File Reports that do not interest you – doing so increases file system scanning speeds and reduces system resource utilization.


Once you have selected a reporting path, click the Start toolbar button. This will begin the file system scanning process, which will ultimately result in the creation of all file reports you currently have enabled.


The File Reports have a number of common properties and capabilities, available from the toolbar:


Print - Print the currently selected file report.

Export Current - Export the currently visible file report in a variety of file formats.

Export All - Export all populated file reports as a single HTML or (tabbed) MS Excel document.

File Sizes - Configure how file sizes are displayed within file reports.

Graph - Determines how file report graphs render data. This button will be enabled only when a file report graph is being displayed.

Options - Shortcut to the file reports section of the FolderSizes options window.

Filter - Allows for advanced filtering during file report generation. Be sure to engage the "Apply scan filtering to File Reports" switch in the Scan Filtering window.

Events - Allows for review of events (e.g. errors, warnings, etc.) that occurred during the last file system analysis.

Schedule - Allows you to create a new file report scheduled task.

Copy, Move, Delete, and Archive - File processing functions.

Help - Shows this help file.


Note: Once a file report scan begins, a small window will appear indicating that the scan is currently in progress. This window also allows you to cancel report generation at any time.