Enabled Reports
The remaining check boxes in the File Reports options window enable or disable the generation of specific File Reports. Note that you should always disable the file reports that don't interest you, as doing so will increase File Report generation speeds and reduce memory utilization.
•Largest Files - Enables or disables the Largest Files report.
•Duplicate Files - Enables or disables the Duplicate Files report.
•File Ages - Enables or disables the File Ages report.
•Oldest Files - Enables or disables the Oldest Files report.
•File Attributes - Enables or disables the File Attributes report.
•File Names - Enables or disables the File Names report.
•File Types - Enables or disables the File Types report.
•File Owners - Enables or disables the File Owners report. Note that enabling this report can slow the overall File Report generation process considerably. It is therefore disabled by default.
•Temp Files - Enables or disables the Temp Files report.
•File Sizes - Enables or disables the File Sizes report.
Performance Options
•Enable file owner lookup in file reports - When enabled, file ownership information will be extracted from all files during the analysis phase. Disabling this option will make the file report analysis phase much faster (especially when network paths are involved).
•Show the current file report scan path in graph titles - Causes the current file report analysis path(s) to appear in file report graph titles.