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Snapshot Exclusions

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When generating a snapshot, you'll have the option of loading a set of exclusions from a file.


To use this feature, first create a text file in your preferred editor (Notepad, for example). Within this text file, create a separate line for each exclusion. Lines will be matched using a case-insensitive wild card comparison process.


For example, adding an exclusion string of *temp* will cause any file or folder with the string "temp" in it's path to be skipped. You could also skip an specific folder with a pattern such as c:\temp\test\*, or you could exclude all PDF files in the same folder with the pattern c:\temp\test\*.pdf.


Excluded files and folders are not recorded in the resulting snapshot file (as if they simply were never there).


The maximum number of supported exclusionary entries is 999.


Using Exclusions


Once you have defined a set of exclusions, save the file in text (.txt) format and then browse for this path within the FolderSizes Snapshot Generator window.


You can also load this exclusion file when scheduling the creation of snapshots.


Testing Exclusions


Excluded file system paths will be logged in the Snapshot Generator event log. When the snapshot creation process completes, you can click the View Events button to ensure that the correct paths are being skipped.