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FolderSizes Help

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Using Snapshots

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Once you've created one or more file system Snapshots, they can be used to create folder, file, and search reports.


Here are a few examples of how Snapshot files can be be loaded:


Click the Snapshot button in the main window ribbon bar, then choose one of the following options from the resulting pop-up menu:

oFolder Size Report from Snapshot

oFile Report from Snapshot

oSearch a Snapshot

In the main window (Folder Size Report) location bar, you can enter fully qualified Snapshot (.fssx) file paths, or use the Paths button to browse for them.

In the File Report location bar, you can enter fully qualified Snapshot (.fssx) file paths, or use the Paths button to browse for them.

The FolderSizes Search tool allows Snapshot files to be used as Search Paths.

In the command line interface, you can substitute file system paths with fully qualified Snapshot (.fssx) file paths.

The Path Manager window allows for the selection of one or more Snapshot (.fssx) file paths.

The Task Scheduler path input box will accept fully qualified Snapshot file paths.


In nearly all of the examples above, you can even specify multiple Snapshot (.fssx) file paths to be used as input to the various reporting features and functions.