FolderSizes has been improving relentlessly since its initial release in 2003, and has become the most widely used and respected disk space analysis software in the world. Years of experience serving the needs of tens of thousands of customers have led us to the release of FolderSizes 9, our most comprehensive release yet. Over a full year in the making, FolderSizes 9 improves upon almost every aspect of the product's feature set.
Latest Windows Operating System Support
FolderSizes 9 offers fully certified support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. Additionally, FolderSizes 9 continues to provide first-class support for Windows operating systems all the way back to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2021 R2 (and everything in between).

All-New New Dark Theme
FolderSizes 9.5 introduced an all-new dark (black) theme. We've integrated support for this new theme into every window, control, and feature that FolderSizes offers. And if dark mode isn't your cup of tea, no worries - light themes are still available (and better than ever).
File System Analysis Data Export
FolderSizes 9 offers users more control over data export operations than ever before, allowing for more customized presentation and integration opportunities.
- Scheduler and command line interfaces now allow for column customization when exporting detail reports.
- Added the ability to customize HTML export headers and footers for deeper customization.
- Folder size reports exported as HTML now include file hyperlinks and attribute colors.
- Improved standards conformance of data exported to HTML file format.
- Improved data normalization and consistency across all report export processes.
- Folder scan data tree export function now exports the entire tree and has improved readability.
- Folder scan data tree contents can now be exported to HTML via the command line.
- Improved compatibility, security, and performance of all MS Excel export features.
- Improved date/time representation when exporting certain report types to MS Excel file format.
File System Trend Analyzer
The FolderSizes trend analyzer is a uniquely powerful tool that allows users to identify file system trends across multiple data points. FolderSizes 9 extends and enhances this functionality considerably.
- Trend analyzer now provides data owner insights, including snapshot change details and history graph.
- Trend analyzer now offers more powerful file import filtering features (date range and granularity control).
- Added average folder size column (hidden by default) to trend analyzer's subfolder change detail report.
- Trend analyzer can now recurse into subfolders when importing data files.
- Various enhancements to make the trend analyzer user interface more intuitive.
Enhanced File Reporter
FolderSizes 9 enhances existing file report capabilities to make them faster, more powerful, and easier to use.
- Added support for using wildcard characters in file type group definitions.
- Added support for tracking files without extensions in the file type groups file report.
- Added the ability to export and import file type group configuration (XML file format).
- Added report path information to page headers when printing folder or file reports.
- Notification now appears in File Reporter when the currently selected report is disabled.
- Improved, value-based default sorting is now applied to ranged-based file report interfaces.
- Added delete key detection and support to the file reporter dialog window.
- Drilling down into file type groups may now trigger construction of multiple search rules.
- Improved label detail visibility in the largest files sectional bar graph.
- Updated default file type group template file with additional extensions.
Search Tool
FolderSizes 9 brings multiple enhancements to its built-in search tool, allowing you to answer critical business questions about your file systems. Use it to find empty folders, folders with high file density, aging or recently created documents, and much (much) more.
- Search and scan filtering have new switch that, when engaged, requires all defined rules to match.
- Folder search rules now track aggregate data availability when required by rule definition.
- Significant performance improvements for a variety of search and scan filtering scenarios.
- Shell context menu now exposes search features, including several search presets.
- FolderSizes task bar jump list now targets the system drive and expose new search presets.
- File extension column added (hidden by default) to search detail report views.
Core Features
FolderSizes 9 modernizes core product functions in several very important ways.
- Task scheduling features have been updated to support new COM interfaces available on Vista and later.
- Scheduled tasks created by FolderSizes now run with highest available privileges.
- Multiple improvements to computer disk space view layout and presentation.
- Improved rendering performance (and clarity, in some cases) for all main window views.
- Added ability to password encrypt zip archives when using file processing feature.
- File processing (zip, move, delete, copy) features now expose an error log and no longer halt on first error.
- Zipping files (using the file processing dialog) now updates the target zip file if it already exists.
- Folder size treemap view does a better job at representing empty file and folder branches.
- Folder size treemap view rendering performance has been significantly improved.
- Numerous theme related improvements to make the product cleaner, brighter, and more usable.
- Added the ability to remove the currently installed license code (reverts to trial license).
- Added "Show Selected Item(s) in Explorer" option to general program context menu.
- Added the ability to remove empty folders when moving or deleting items via the file system operations dialog.
- Added the ability to apply product license code during the installation process.
- Scan data window now uses shell image list icons with overlays for improved UI consistency.
- Improved handling of reparse points (junctions, symbolic links, etc.) with new user override UI option.
- Improved default view root calculations after importing data from one or more snpashots.
- Added the ability to transform a local Windows volume snapshot (VSS) to a FolderSizes snapshot (.fssx file).
- User is now asked if file details should be loaded into memory when creating folder size reports from snapshots.
- FilterZip tool now supports wildcard file name pattern matching (as alternative to existing regular expression support).
Disk Reporter
- Added free space history (as adjunct to existing used space history) chart to disk reporter window.
- Disk space history view can now toggle graph display between free and used space metrics.
- Disk reporter window and drive space panel now include total footers.
- Upgraded disk space history tracking database for improved performance and reliability.
New Consultant License Types
By popular demand, FolderSizes 9 introduces new single-consultant and multi-consultant license types for use by system integrators and information technology service providers.